EUs AI ACT och relaterade standardiseringsarbeten

  • 23 apr 2024

MIssa inte det öppna seminariumet runt AI ACT, EUs AI regelverk och den standardisering som drivs via CEN-CENELEC JTC 21. Seminariet kommer att hållas på Engelska.

Open for all SER and non SER members:

AI ACT, what is it, what standards are being developed and how do VDE work with this topic. Please join us for an introduction to this very important topic, by Sebastian Hallensleben, Chair of  CEN-CENELEC JTC 21.

Whom is presenting:

Dr Sebastian Hallensleben is the Chair of CEN-CENELEC JTC 21 where European AI standards to underpin EU regulation are being developed, a member of the Expert Advisory Board of the EU StandICT programme and Chair of the Trusted Information working group. He co-chairs the AI Risk & Accountability work in OECD ONE.AI and has roles in AI committees at the Council of Europe and UNESCO. Sebastian Hallensleben heads Digital Trust and Artificial Intelligence at VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies where he is responsible for new product and service development as well as for giving advice and developing frameworks for the German parliament and several federal ministries as well as the European Commission.


När: 29 April, 16.00 - 17.00

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